Updated: 14 September 2011
Contributed talks to
MKI Postdoc Symposium 2011, MIT, MA (4/14/2011; presentation
Gas in Galaxies: from Cosmic Web to Molecular Clouds, Kloster Seeon, Germany (6/14/2011; presentation
The Cosmic Odyssey of Baryons, Marseille, France (6/22/2011; presentation
PDF); and
Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop 2011, Santa Cruz, CA (8/10/2011; presentation
The low-redshift (z < 1) IGM probes the last eight-billion years of metal enrichment from galactic feedback processes. Outflows and mergers return to the IGM enriched material for future generations of galaxies and stars. The signature of this process is etched in the recycled gas: metallicity, abundances, density, distribution, etc. Observations of intergalactic absorbers provide "end-product" constraints on the physics driving chemical evolution and, therefore, the physics adopted in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. We conducted the largest survey for C IV and/or Si IV systems at z < 1, and we compare our results to those from high-redshift (1.5 < z < 6) studies. For example, we present the frequency distribution ƒ(N) and mass density of C IV and Si IV absorbers in the HST archival spectra of 49 quasars. The changes in the properties of the low-redshift systems, compared to the high-redshift ones, indicate that C IV and Si IV more commonly trace circum-galactic gas at z < 1. Indeed, this agrees with simulated observations from several OverWhelmingly Large Simulations.
Colloquium at
University Astronomy Department (11/1/2010);
Astrophysics Journal Club at Brown
University Department of Physics (11/10/2010);
AURA Colloquium
at CTIO (11/19/2010)
(presentation PDF and
The low-redshift (z < 1) IGM probes the last eight-billion years of metal enrichment from galactic feedback processes. Outflows and mergers return to the IGM enriched material for future generations of galaxies and stars. The signature of this process is etched in the recycled gas: metallicity, abundances, density, distribution, etc. We conducted the largest survey for C IV and/or Si IV systems at z < 1, and we compare our results to those from high-redshift (1.5 < z < 6) studies. For example, we present the frequency distribution ƒ(N) and mass density of C IV and Si IV absorbers in the HST archival spectra of 49 quasars. The changes in the properties of the low-redshift systems, compared to the high-redshift ones, indicate that C IV and Si IV more commonly trace circum-galactic gas at z < 1.
Cooksey, Prochaska, Thom,
and Chen,
2010, ApJ, 729, 87 (PDF).
Online data can be found
We identified 24 Si IV absorption systems with z ≤ 1 from a blind survey of 49 low-redshift quasars with archival Hubble Space Telescope ultraviolet spectra. We relied solely on the characteristic wavelength separation of the doublet to automatically detect candidates. After visual inspection, we defined a sample of 20 definite (group G = 1) and 4 "highly likely" (G = 2) doublets with rest equivalent widths Wr for both lines detected at ≥ 3σW. The absorber line density of the G = 1 doublets was dNSi IV/dX = 1.4+0.4/−0.3 for log N(Si+3) > 12.9. The best-fit power law to the G = 1 frequency distribution of column densities ƒ(N(Si+3)) had normalization k = (1.2+0.5/−0.4) × 10−14 cm2 and slope αN = −1.6+0.3/−0.3. Using the power-law model of ƒ(N(Si+3)), we measured the Si+3 mass density relative to the critical density: ΩSi+3 = (3.71+2.82/−1.68) × 10−8 for 13 ≤ log N(Si+3) ≤ 15. From Monte Carlo sampling of the distributions, we estimated our value to be a factor of 4.8+3.0/−1.9 higher than the 2 ≤ z ≤ 4.5 〈ΩSi+3〉. From a simple linear fit to ΩSi+3 over the age of the universe, we estimated a slow and steady increase from z = 5.5 → 0 with dΩSi+3/dtage = (0.61±0.13) × 10−8 Gyr−1. We compared our ionic ratios N(Si+3)/N(C+3) to a 2 < z < 4.5 sample and concluded, from survival analysis, that the two populations are similar, with median 〈N(Si+3)/N(C+3)〉 = 0.16.
Cooksey (September 2009; dissertation PDF; presentation PDF and notes)
ABSTRACTMetals are produced in the stars in the galaxies, and a variety of feedback processes move metals from the sites of production into the intergalactic medium (IGM), enriching the material for future generations of stars. The signature of this process is etched in the recycled gas: its metallicity, elemental abundances, density, distribution, etc. The study of the low-redshift, z < 1, IGM is the study of the last eight-billion years of cosmic chemical evolution and all prior enrichment.
In this thesis, I characterize the cosmic enrichment cycle with the use of observations and simulations. The gas is observed through quasar absorption-line spectroscopy. As the light of a distant quasar travels to us, intervening clouds of gas absorb the light at wavelengths characteristic, albeit redshifted, of the elements in the clouds. By identifying and modeling the elements associated with the absorption systems, I learn the ionic composition and density of the cosmic web (voids, filaments, and/or groups) along the line of sight.
From a detailed study of a single sightline, I observe a multi-phase IGM, with kinematically-distinct, hot and warm components (T ≈ 105.5 K and ≈ 104 K, respectively). By correlating the absorption systems with a complementary galaxy survey of the field around the background quasar, I find that the IGM systems arise in a variety of galactic environments. The metal-lines systems all have L > 0.1L∗ galaxies within a few hundred kiloparsecs, which suggests this is the distance to which galactic feedback processes typically disperse metals.
I conduct a large, blind survey for triply-ionized carbon (C IV) absorption at z < 1 in the spectra of 49 low-redshift quasars and compare their properties with those detected at z > 1. The mass density in C IV doublets with 13 ≤ log N(C+3) ≤ 15 at z < 1 has increased by a factor of 2.8 ± 0.7 over the error-weighted mean of the 1.5 < z < 5 measurements, where the mass density has not evolved significantly. The line density dNC IV/dX has not evolved as much, indicating that the average column density per doublet increases with decreasing redshift.
In addition, I compare the observed properties of C IV absorbers with those predicted by cosmological hydrodynamic simulations with a variety of physical models (e.g., feedback, cosmology). I also use the results from the simulations that reproduce well the observations to understand better the physical conditions giving rise to the C IV absorbing gas. The observations and simulations indicate that the log N(C+3) > 13 C IV absorption systems predominately come from circum-galactic (or halo) gas.
Cooksey, Thom, Prochaska, and Chen, 2010, ApJ, 708, 868 (PDF [published version but our PDF is formatted better].
ABSTRACTWe surveyed the Hubble Space Telescope UV spectra of 49 low-redshift quasars for z < 1 C IV candidates, relying solely on the characteristic wavelength separation of the doublet. After consideration of the defining traits of C IV doublets (e.g., consistent line profiles, other associated transitions, etc.), we defined a sample of 38 definite (group G = 1) and five likely (G = 2) doublets with rest equivalent widthsWr for both lines detected at ≥3σ. We conducted Monte Carlo completeness tests to measure the unblocked redshift (Δz) and co-moving pathlength (ΔX) over which we were sensitive to C IV doublets of a range of equivalent widths and column densities. The absorber line density of (G = 1+2) doublets is dNC IV/dX = 4.1+0.7/−0.6 for log N(C+3) ≥ 13.2, and dNC IV/dX has not evolved significantly since z = 5. The best-fit power law to the frequency distribution of column densities f(N(C+3)) = k(N(C+3)/N0)α has coefficient k = (0.67+0.18/−0.16) × 10−14 cm2 and exponent α = −1.50+0.17/−0.19, where N0 = 1014 cm−2. Using the power-law fit to f(N(C+3)), we measured the C+3 mass density relative to the critical density: Ω(C+3) = (6.20+1.82/−1.52) × 10−8 for 13 ≤ log N(C+3) ≤ 15. This value is a 2.8±0.7 increase in Ω(C+3) compared to the error-weighted mean from several 1 < z < 5 surveys for C IV absorbers. The linear fit to Ω(C+3) over the age of the Universe reveals that Ω(C+3) has slowly but steadily increased from z = 5 → 0, with dΩ(C+3)/dtage = (0.42±0.2) × 10−8 Gyr−1.
Conference presentation (PDF) from The Chemical Enrichment of the Intergalactic Medium, Leiden, The Netherlands, May 25−19, 2009
ABSTRACTMetal enrichment from galactic feedback processes. Outflows and mergers return to the IGM enriched material for future generations of galaxies and stars. The signature of this process is etched in the recycled gas: metallicity, abundances, density, distribution, etc. We conducted the largest survey for C IV at z < 1, and we compare our results to those from high-redshift (1.5 < z < 6) studies. For example, we present the frequency distribution ƒ(N) and mass density of C IV absorbers in the HST archival spectra of 49 quasars. We also compare the observed properties of the C IV doublets with synthetic C IV absorbers from cosmological hydrodynamic simulations with different feedback prescriptions.
Conference presentation (PDF) from 213th AAS Meeting, Long Beach, California, January 4−8, 2009
ABSTRACTThe low-redshift IGM probes the last ten billion years of metal enrichment from galactic feedback processes. Outflows and mergers return to the IGM enriched material for future generations of galaxies and stars. The signature of this process is etched in the recycled gas: metallicity, abundances, density, distribution, etc. We have been characterizing two different stages of the cosmic enrichment cycle−the low-density IGM and the extended gaseous halos of galaxies. We present the frequency distribution f(N) of C IV absorbers at z < 1.5, from a survey of HST archival spectra of ≈50 quasars. We compare the observed f(N) with that predicted by cosmological hydrodynamic simulations with different feedback prescriptions. We also discuss early results from a survey of galaxies with halos probed by background quasars. We look for correlations between the galaxies and the halo absorbers that distinguish the feedback process(es) responsible for enriching the extended halos. This work is funded by the HST archival grant 10679 and the NSF CAREER grant AST 05_48180.
Conference presentation (PDF) from The Cosmic Odyssey of the Elements, Aegina, Greece, June 2008 (research done in part with Genevieve Graves)
ABSTRACTQuasar absorption-line spectroscopy provides a unique probe of the extended gaseous halos of galaxies to low column densities. The detection of metal-line absorption systems constrain mechanisms for metal transport from the stars and/or from the intergalactic medium to the extended halos. The metallicity of the halo medium characterizes the metal production and mixing from the ISM and IGM. Here we present observations of strong log NH I > 16 metal-line systems with galaxies within 200 kpc. Several of the closest galaxies are early-type (presumably gas poor) galaxies. We will show the similarities and differences between metal-line systems closest to early- versus late-type galaxies.
[Actually, this project was the inspiration for the NSF AAPF project "Seeking the Lost Interstellar Medium of Red-Sequence Galaxies" described here.]
Cooksey and Prochaska 2007 (conference proceeding (PDF), submitted to Astronomy, Astrophysics & Space Science) from the first Space Astronomy: The UV Window to the Universe, El Escorial, Spain, May 2007
ABSTRACTThe low-redshift IGM probes the last ten billion years of metal enrichment from galactic feedback processes. We present preliminary results from a survey of intergalactic metal-line absorption systems in archival HST\STIS, GHRS, and FUSE spectra of ~50 z ≤ 2 UV-bright objects. We summarize the detailed analysis of one sightline (PKS1302−102, zQSO = 0.2784) with which we set the methodology for the larger survey. We use simple CLOUDY models to constrain the ionizing mechanism(s) and metallicities for the metal-line systems. For about 15 sightlines, including PKS1302−102, we have a complementary galaxy survey, and we look for correlations between galaxies and absorption systems in order to understand the large-scale distribution of the metal-enriched IGM.
Conference presentation (PDF) from the first Space Astronomy: The UV Window to the Universe, El Escorial, Spain, May 2007
ABSTRACTThe low-redshift, z < 1.5, IGM probes the last ten billion years of metal enrichment from galactic feedback processes. We present preliminary results from a survey of intergalactic metal-line absorption systems in the UV spectra of 50 z < 1.5 UV-bright targets. We search archival HST/STIS and FUSE spectra for C IV, Si IV, and O VI doublets and any associated Lyα absorption. From CLOUDY models, we approximate the metallicity of the IGM and constrain the ionizing mechanism(s) for the various systems. For about 15 sight lines, we have a complementary galaxy survey, and we look for correlations between galaxies and absorption systems in order to understand the large-scale distribution of the metal-enriched IGM. We also compare the observations with synthetic spectra from cosmological hydrodynamic simulations where we know the input feedback physics.